Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO)
Conducts research mainly in the fields of social sciences, especially economics, culture, political science and other related disciplines and has relevant competences in the area of development of planning and strategic documents in the field of technology and innovations. Scientific work is performed in research departments and centres: Department for International Economic and Political Relations, Department for European Integration, Department for Culture and Communication, Department for Resource Economics, Environmental Protection and Regional Development, European Documentation Centre and the Project Support Centre.
However, in modern science there is an increasing need for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary linkages and therefore, depending on the project requirements, different research teams are formed. At the same time it gives room for research issues that could not be studied exclusively within a single discipline. Thus a multidimensional overview of contemporary social processes and those aspects of development and international relations are provided.

Danmar Computers LLC
Danmar Computers LLC is a private company operating in the field of Information Technology and providing vocational training in this field. Danmar has an extensive experience in developing modern Web and mobile applications that are used for educational purposes. Danmar also has long-term experience of carrying out European projects within which company’s R&D staff conducts research and prepares trainings tailored to the needs of various learners. During 15 years, Danmar has successfully implemented over 50 projects within Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci, Progress and recently Erasmus+.
In many of these projects Danmar was responsible for designing and coordinating dissemination strategies. Danmar Computers is the developer and provider of AdminProject, the on-line system for management of European projects. All activities of the company are based on wide and well-established cooperation network, both on national and international levels. The national networks include training and counselling institutions, universities, schools, non-governmental organisations as well as private sector companies. International network include partners of various profiles coming from every European Union’s country. Danmar Computer’s mission is the promotion of life-long education and assurance of equal access to education for everyone with the use of modern technology.

University of Thessaly
Technological Education Institute (TEI) of Thessaly was established as a tertiary education institution in 1983, along with all Greek T.E.I.s which replaced the existent Higher Technical & Vocational Centres.
In 2001 all Technological Educational Institutions were established as Higher Education institutions along with the universities, in compliance with the Bolognia declaration.
The Technological Education Institute (TEI) of Thessaly (TEI/Th) is the third largest Institute of the technological sector of Greek Higher Education (with approx. 21.000 students). It comprises four schools (Engineering, Health Sciences, Business and Economics and Agriculture Technologies) and fourteen academic departments in three cities: Larissa, Karditsa and Trikala.
Its strategic mission is to continuously improve the quality of the courses and the educational services offered as well as to promote knowledge through a variety of research programmes.

The Technological Centre of Furniture and Wood of the Region of Murcia (CETEM) is a non-profit research and training centre born as an industry association in 1994 with the support of the regional and national government, as well as the EU. It is located in the second biggest and most important furniture industrial region in Spain. CETEM is entirely devoted to supporting and promoting the furniture and wood industries through research, innovation and training. Most of these companies are in continuous search of ways to innovate their products through technology that increments its value; many even get actively involved in the development of R&D projects and in training activities.

Biedrība Eurofortis
Since 2007, Eurofortis is a dynamic Czech-Latvian centre based in Riga, Latvia, which was transformed in 2011 into “Biedrība Eurofortis” Association (BEFO). Nowadays, BEFO is a multicultural non-governmental organisation that aims to facilitate continuing education of schools, enterprises and society, supporting development of different competencies, as well as personal and professional skills.
Biedrība Eurofortis takes active part in European educational projects realized within the framework of Erasmus+ Programme and ensures availability of educational and up-to-date learning materials, tools and methods, as well as seminars and different training within projects mostly aimed at identification, development and improvement of various competences and knowledge. Through that, BEFO aims to facilitate continuous training and development of local schools, enterprises and society in general.

Ljudska univerza Rogaška Slatina
Ljudska univerza Rogaška Slatina (LURS) is a non-profit adult education and training provider for the community in the local region and wider with a rich tradition. It was established in 1959 with the aim of providing a comprehensive and quality offer in the field of advice, information, formal and non-formal education and organized self-study.
LURS offers its learners 10 formal educational programmes that include both secondary schools and vocational training programmes in the field of catering, gastronomy, cookery, sales, economy, childcare or tourism.
LURS offers numerous educational programmes in accordance with the needs and desires of the adult population for further training and education. The field of informal education is covered by providing various seminars, courses, lectures, literary evenings and many more.
The organization also offers various personal growth programmes, various workshops, computer courses for the unemployed and elderly people, language courses, computer courses and accounting and many educational programmes for adults with special needs for the local Care Work Centre. LURS has organized training programmes for other educationally and didactically deprived groups of adults, such as the immigrants, the unemployed and foreigners.

InnoRenew CoE
The InnoRenew CoE is a new research centre established with funding from the H2020 WIDESPREAD-2-TEAMING programme (Grant #739574).
The InnoRenew CoE’s research work is focused on improving and expanding sustainable building beyond minimising harm to creating positive impacts ecologically, socially, economically, and for building users. Two main research areas are emphasised: renewable materials modification for improved functionality, service life, and reduced environmental impacts; and restorative environmental and ergonomic design to improve human wellbeing (health, social, economic, ecological) through building practices. To advance the state of the art in these areas, the InnoRenew CoE performs interdisciplinary research work in six key areas: sustainable building engineering, ICT, human health, renewable materials composites, data science, and renewable materials modifications. By advancing these areas of research, reaching out to industry members and policy makers, the InnoRenew CoE seeks to revitalise the forest sector in Slovenia, Europe, and beyond.
Outreach to industry and society, not just academia, are key elements of the InnoRenew CoE Research, Development, and Innovation (RDI) strategy. The InnoRenew CoE has an established living laboratory with more than 70 members from over 20 countries, the Living Lab InnoRenew. This group, comprised of NGOs, associations, companies, and other research organisations, serves as a dissemination outlet, concept generation and validation group, and partnering network. In addition to Living Lab InnoRenew, the InnoRenew CoE and its employees actively participate in other academic and non-academic outreach activities, including customised training for companies, other research organisations, and transfer to higher education. Many InnoRenew CoE employees also hold appointments at universities where they have teaching and mentoring duties, which aid in the transfer of project outcomes to the next generation of workers and researchers.