BRACKET Multiplier Events ended with a sense of success in terms of target groups and stakeholders attracted
Multiplier events organised by all the partners had the aim of showcasing all results and outcomes developed within the BRACKET project and beyond the partnership: key analysis, collaborative platform, lessons learned and experienced acquired. These events at national level, apart from disseminating the wide range of intellectual outputs produced within the project, improved the understanding […]

BRACKET Verification Activity ended with excellent results!
After the deployment of all the BRACKET training material into the e-learning platform, the Consortium had carried out a Real Verification Activity to field-test the actual effectiveness and usability of the BRACKET course through the consultation of target groups and stakeholders. In order to reach as many participants as possible, from February to March 2021, […]

On 13 April 2021 the BRACKET sixth and final transnational project meeting was held online- instead of in Riga, Latvia. The meeting was important to summarize activities completed in each country during pilot testing of the e-learning platform and decide on the final improvements that will be introduced to the project results. In this meeting, […]

The BRACKET online training is available for free after registration. This training is available in seven different languages: English, Croatian, Spanish, Slovenian, Greek, Polish and Latvian. When you enter the BRACKET E-Learning Platform you will have the possibility to upskill in different units (KETs introduction, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Advanced Materials and Innovation regarding KETs), being independent […]

Rimac cars – partner in the European Battery Innovation project
The company Rimac Automobili, of which we wrote in our second BRACKET Newsletter, is the partner in the project “European Battery Innovation” approved for funding by the European Commission in January 2021 in the total amount of 2.9 billion EUR. The project will develop new technologies related to battery production: from the extraction of raw […]

BRACKET in Scientix
Information about BRACKET published in Scientix, the community of science education in Europe. Is this your source of information on science education in Europe? Visit the page and read about BRACKET. Don’t forget to share among your community of professionals. http://www.scientix.eu/projects/project-detail?articleId=975192

BRACKET video on YouTube
Watch and share the BRACKET promotional video.

On 20 November 2020 the BRACKET fifth transnational project meeting was held online- instead of in Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia. Unfortunately, it is still impossible to hold a physical meeting, so the Consortium organized a meeting in virtual environment. In this meeting, we analysed the development of the e-learning platform with the presentation of the current […]

BRACKET Consortium continues promoting the project through the remote attendance at different events
EFIB (European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology & the Bioeconomy) was delivered digitally this year from 5th to 9th October, where delegates are provided with an update on the status and outlook of biobased industries. In the last decade, EFIB delegates, exhibitors, sponsors and speakers have been showcasing innovative products and processes that deliver solutions to […]